Winter 2021 CS291A Syllabus
From courses
Revision as of 00:28, 1 January 2021 by Wangwilliamyang (talk | contribs)
- 01/4 Introduction, logistics, and deep learning.
- 01/6 Tips for a successful class project
- 01/11 Neural network basics
- 01/13 Word embeddings (Project proposal due to Grader: Ke Ni <> , HW1 out)
- 01/18 University Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 01/20 Recursive Neural Networks
- 01/25 RNNs
- 01/27 LSTMs/GRUs
- 02/1 Sequence-to-sequence models and neural machine translation (HW1 due and HW2 out)
- 02/3 Attention mechanisms
- 02/8 Convolutional Neural Networks (Mid-term report due to Grader: Ke Ni <>)
- 02/10 Language and vision
- 02/15 University Holiday: Presidents' Day
Deep Reinforcement Learning 1 (HW2 due: 02/26 Monday 11:59pm)
- 02/17 Deep Reinforcement Learning 2
- 02/22 Unsupervised Learning
- 03/24 Project: final presentation (1)
- 03/1 Project: final presentation (2)
- 03/3 Project: final presentation (3)
- 03/8 Project: final presentation (3)
- 03/10 Project: final presentation (3)
- 03/19 23:59PM PT Project Final Report Due.